Monday, February 23, 2009

Update on Treaty war

In true Jasper fashion, as soon as my declaration went up, Jasper informed me that part of his clause was that he could still me Mongrel and, in turn, I could choose one name to call him, but it had to be Alice approved. So now, I may call him  Leach, and he may call me Mongrel. Jasper however, is not that bright. He didn't realise that calling me Mongrel really isn't all that insulting to me. And yes Jasper, I do know that you probably don't find Leech all that insulting but I felt that I should be nice to you, after all, boys are a little dimmer than girls.
10 points to anyone who can guess where our inspiration came from. 
Hint: He is now calling himself Edward, me Jacob and Alice Bella

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